Tuesday, February 21, 2012

@Our Garage

Yesterday, as Ashley and I were leaving for our third driving lesson, we get to the garage and see Joe and Megan trying to open our garage door.  Apparently, the spring had broken on the automatic garage door opener.

Joe said he had called his garage guy to come fix it and he was supposed to be there within the hour.  Cool.  Ashley and I left for our driving lesson and her interview at Subway.

When we got back, the garage door was still open.  The garage guy must not have been here yet.

So we get out of the car and go about our day.  (Unfortunately, like I always do because we have a garage with an automatic opener, I left my door unlocked.)

Fast forward to this morning.  I arrive at the garage and enter the code to open the door.  It's very quiet!  Oh yeah - the garage guy was here yesterday!  Hmmm... he did a nice job.  Everything works well.

I open the trunk and dump all of my work crap into the car.  I get in the drivers seat and notice this:

What the hell is this?  My iPod mount is broken and the iPod is in the cup holder?

My first thought is:  "the god-damned garage guy tried to steal my iPod."

My next thought is: "he broke the mount getting it off the dashboard, so why didn't he steal it?"

My last thought was: "a ha!  I put rockbox on the iPod.  I'll bet he turned it on saw the apple logo disappear and saw the Rockbox logo with a lot of writing and thought 'this isn't an iPod.  This is complicated.  I'm too dumb to steal this'"  (Well, it's my version of what happened.)

I called Carrie to let her know and have her tell her Dad that his garage guy is dirty.  She was outraged as expected and promised to tell him.

The whole drive to work (while listening to my iPod) I started taking a mental inventory of what was in the car yesterday that might not be in the car now.  Bluetooth headset?  Still here.  Cheap sunglasses? Still here.  My grey stocking cap?  Still here.  (Hey... there's not a lot of valuable things in the car.)

Once I pulled into the garage at work I gave the car another once-over and found things to be in order.  Hmmm...   what a weird way to start the day.  I guess I'm back to taking the iPod with me everywhere and locking my door, even in my once secure garage.

P.S. UPDATE: Carrie talked to Joe.  Joe denied that it could be 'his guy'.  No way.  The garage was open most of the afternoon yesterday (true) and our place is inhabited by redneck, welfare-getting, dope-smoking dryer-pissers, so anything is possible.
Maybe it wasn't the garage guy?

P.S. UPDATE: Joe just called Carrie.  His GPS is missing.  The mystery continues...

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